Important Car Insurance Information: Limited Tort LIMITS Your Ability to Recover After a Car Accident!
When deciding on automobile insurance coverage it is imperative to understand full tort and limited tort. It is very important to understand these two coverage options and what each of them entitles…
Four Safe Driving Tips That Can Help You Avoid A Truck Accident
Accidents involving large trucks are one of the most devastating types of motor vehicle accidents. This is simply because of the sheer size and weight of these vehicles, when they collide with…
Rideshare Accidents: Who Is Liable?
If an Uber or Lyft driver is at fault for your accident, it can be difficult to know whether you have a claim against the driver or the company. Ridesharing companies are not like typical employers.…
What Is the Connection Between Medical Malpractice and Cerebral Palsy?
How Is Medical Malpractice Related To Cerebral Palsy? When it comes to birth injuries, parents and their families are left with a number of questions that may be hard to answer. Some may wonder what…
Pennsylvania Increased Penalties For Texting While Driving and How It Matters To Your Truck or Car Accident Case
In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, more than 14,800 crashes in 2015 were caused by texting while driving a car or truck which resulted in 66 deaths. It is clear that Pennsylvania state legislature…
Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitations
In Pennsylvania, patients only have a limited amount of time to file a medical malpractice lawsuit, known as the statute of limitations. Once this time period expires, victims of an accident or…
Why Choose O'Malley and Perry As Your Personal Injury Attorneys?
If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, we hope you are on the road to recovery. However, it is likely that some person, company, or corporation is directly responsible for your…
O’Malley & Perry’s Process After You've Been in an Accident
Accident lawyers must be prepared to meet these challenges on behalf of their severely injured clients, and go above and beyond to secure fair compensation for your injuries. Our Process…
Critical Tips: What To Do After You've Been in an Auto Accident
If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident there are important steps that you must take in order to protect yourself. Remembering to take the following steps when you’re involved in a car or…
The 6 Steps To Take After A Truck Accident
Truck Accidents Are Common In Northeastern Pennsylvania Every day in NEPA, there are thousands of trucks and tractor-trailers crowding our highways and interstates. Unfortunately, some of the men and…