Important Car Insurance Information: Limited Tort LIMITS Your Ability to Recover After a Car Accident!

When deciding on automobile insurance coverage it is imperative to understand full tort and limited tort. It is very important to understand these…

Four Safe Driving Tips That Can Help You Avoid A Truck Accident

Accidents involving large trucks are one of the most devastating types of motor vehicle accidents. This is simply because of the sheer size and…

Rideshare Accidents: Who Is Liable?

If an Uber or Lyft driver is at fault for your accident, it can be difficult to know whether you have a claim against the driver or the company.…

What Is the Connection Between Medical Malpractice and Cerebral Palsy?

How Is Medical Malpractice Related To Cerebral Palsy? When it comes to birth injuries, parents and their families are left with a number of…

Pennsylvania Increased Penalties For Texting While Driving and How It Matters To Your Truck or Car Accident Case

In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, more than 14,800 crashes in 2015 were caused by texting while driving a car or truck which resulted in 66…


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O’Malley & Perry Law

345 Wyoming Ave. #1
Scranton, PA  18503