Truck Accident Lawyers in Scranton

Representing Clients Throughout Pennsylvania In Pennsylvania trucking companies have a lot at stake. The sheer size of an 18-wheeler will increase…

5 Questions You Should Ask Any Pennsylvania Attorney Before You Hire Them to Represent You in Your Car or Truck Accident Case

If you’ve been involved or injured in a car, truck or motorcycle accident, one of the most important decisions you will make in connection with the…

7 Common Personal Injury Claims

From auto accidents to medical malpractice, personal injury covers many types of injury that arise from another entities’ negligence. With decades of…

What Does a Civil Litigation Lawyer Do and How Much Do They Cost?

A civil law lawyer is most commonly referred to as a litigator. This is a specific type of attorney that is hired by a client covers a broad range of…

O’Malley & Perry Law Truck Accident Lawyers, Ready to Fight FOR YOU

Scranton Truck Accident Lawyers As a Scranton truck accident lawyer, O’Malley & Perry Law, will fight for your rights and won’t stop until…


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O’Malley & Perry Law

345 Wyoming Ave. #1
Scranton, PA  18503