When picking a new car insurance plan, deciding if you want full tort or limited tort is one of the most important choices you will make. In fact, many Pennsylvania drivers aren’t aware of the distinction between the two types of coverages. While Full Tort coverage may be more expensive, it is worth paying the extra premium to ensure that you and your loved ones have this important type of coverage.
Choosing full tort over limited tort determines to what extent you can sue another driver for damages after an accident. The option you choose is a clause that is written into your car insurance policy that only becomes relevant if you are injured after an accident. If you are injured and you have full tort coverage you can recover for pain and suffering you experienced caused by the collision. If you have limited tort you are unable to recover for pain and suffering unless one of the exceptions applies.
Limited Tort
If you choose limited tort, you are only permitted to recover from another driver in the case of serious impairment, loss of limb, permanent disfigurement, or an injury that prevents you from working for the rest of your lifetime. In some cases, the courts are asked to rule on specific limited tort exceptions.
As mentioned above, there are some exceptions where drivers can enjoy full tort benefits even if they have a limited tort insurance plan. For example, if you are hit by a drunk driver, you have full license to sue them. In addition, motorcyclists who are hit by cars have full tort protection.
Full Tort
If you choose full tort, you are free to sue any driver who has hit you in an auto accident and you can recover for even minor pain and suffering which is very common especially in a rear-end accident. No matter how minor the injury, you have every legal right to litigate when you have full tort coverage!
Whether you need more help deciding between full tort and limited tort, contact the experienced car accident attorneys at O’Malley & Perry Law.

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