Nursing home abuse and neglect is a common issue in Pennsylvania, specifically Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Those concerned about a nursing home’s quality of care can look for red flags that may mean neglect is occurring.
There are seven warning signs of nursing home neglect:
Loss or Lack of Mobility
Good nursing homes have programs and policies to keep residents physically active and mobile.
Neglectful nursing homes may leave residents sitting in their beds or wheelchairs for long periods of time, causing them to develop mobility issues.
Bed Sores/Pressure Ulcers
Neglect at a nursing home can result in nasty bed sores for you or your loved one. If your loved one is complaining about a bed sore you should make a complaint to their nurses and the nursing home administration immediately. If the issue persists contact a nursing home abuse attorney immediately.
Poor Resident Hygiene
Many elderly people need help with personal health care, such as brushing their teeth and bathing. Nursing homes without enough staff members often fail to keep residents clean and healthy.
Psychological Issues
Neglect may lead to emotional issues, such as fear of caregivers, a reluctance to open up to staff, or anger and resentment.
Constant neglect can cause anxiety or depression, and some residents may distance themselves from friends and family members as a result.
Signs of Inadequate Nutrition
Many residents in neglectful nursing homes suffer from malnutrition and dehydration because they are not getting enough food or water.
Loved ones should look for signs of malnutrition, such as tiredness or irritability, complaints of being cold, hair loss, and papery skin.
Unexplained Injuries
Nursing homes with staffing issues are less likely to prevent nursing home residents from accidentally — or intentionally — harming themselves or others. Residents may suffer from serious injuries like broken bones, cuts, and scrapes as a result. Furthermore, staff members may not report nursing home injuries in a timely manner or even know how a resident was injured.
Unsanitary Living Conditions
A nursing home should provide clean clothing, bedding, and living areas. Facilities should also be free from pests and mold. If a nursing home is often dirty, your loved one may be at a higher risk of neglect.
Contact O’Malley & Perry Law regarding your nursing home abuse case today if you see any of these warning signs present with your loved one.

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